FEAST is an intentional pairing of two boldly visual theatrical works created by The Spitfire, a dance theater group created by two queer female performance artists and collaborators Peekaboo Pointe and Tansy.
A complete piece in two parts; The first section delves into a world of high camp romantic fantasy where two women explore a universe where anything is possible, and their sensual desire, same sex love and passion is palpable.
They explore the lush world of the female desire without the burden of societal boundaries.
FEAST opens with a seemingly endless conveyor belt of red fabric being pulled by the teeth of one of the characters, a visual abstraction of their carnal desire, luxury, opulence, and pleasures of the flesh. We watch as they fall victim to the false idol of the lavish lifestyle, living in a world where women can have it all, and their every desire is at their fingertips.
Contrasted to the second section where we see the stark world of women in a much different political climate, we see their frustration of being trapped in a world that has been predetermined for them. The telling of this story is multi layered as themes of feminism, desire and queer politics are textured and abstracted throughout. The stark visuals of this very different environment are textured with the physical use of flour that eventually covers the space they live in like a patina of history, love lost, or something else completely undefined.
FEAST a visual and visceral look into a world of undefined boundaries, where reality is questioned and worlds collide.
Get your seat at the table and enjoy the FEAST! For more information visit https://here.org/shows/feast/.