A magician's girlfriend tricks him into believing she is happy. When the illusion crumbles, he becomes obsessed with why she didn't tell him the truth.
The Brick presents Card Tricks by Alex Offenkrantz, August 20 at 8pm.
A magician tells you the truth by showing you his diary of card tricks, illustrating several impossible things that have happened in his life. He wants you to know how he feels, and card tricks are the only way he knows how to tell you. Created and Performed by Alex Offenkrantz. A magician's girlfriend tricks him into believing she is happy. When the illusion crumbles, he becomes obsessed with why she didn't tell him the truth.
As he searches for an answer, it becomes apparent that nothing is as it seems. He makes it his life's mission to tell the truth about his experience so he will never hurt anyone the way his girlfriend hurt him. His experience is one of feeling deceived, so he figures that the only way he can share how he really feels is through a deceitful medium: card tricks. He creates a diary of card tricks, documenting the moments in his life where things weren't the way he thought. And in creating this diary, he finds an answer as to why she didn't tell him the truth in the first place.
For more information visit https://www.bricktheater.com/event/card-tricks/
For tickets visit https://web.ovationtix.com/trs/pr/1120610.