Sweatpant chronicles how the forces of depression and masculinity impact the lives of roommates living together in New York City. Sam and his roommate are faced with the realities of depression in a society that has long stigmatized mental health. In an effort to seek treatment and growth, Sam and his roommate must first process through the influence of masculinity and how it impacts accessibility of treatment and had long stigmatized acknowledgment of depression.
Inspired by community social work practice and studies in clinical mental health treatment, Sweatpant is the inaugural play of Patrick Nicholas, a Brooklyn-based Social Worker.
Saturday October 5th, 2019
6pm and 8pm performances
Eris Revolution (Brooklyn, NY)
Link to tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sweatpant-tickets-64194593758
Runtime: 35 minutes with an improv opening act.
If you or a loved one are experiencing depression, please contact the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) at 800-950-NAMI for resources and support. A portion of ticket proceeds will be donated to NAMI.
Sweatpant is an Actor's Equity Approved Showcase
* denotes a member of Actors Equity Association
Written by Patrick Nicholas
Directed by Max Lorn Krause
Produced and Casted by Helen Huettner and Kelly Glenn
Featuring: Kent Coleman* and Oliver Palmer*