Superbunny's Pirate Vacation, is an original children's musical based on the third installment of Amber L. Spradlin's Superbunny book series for young readers. The book, Thumperino Superbunny and the Pirates of the High Seas, recently won the 2015 Creative Child Magazine Book of the Year Award and the Pinnacle Book Award for Best Juvenile Fiction.
Superbunny's Pirate Vacation opens at the Actors Fund Arts Center in Brooklyn on September 18th at 11:00 a.m. with a special performance for International Talk Like a Pirate Day on September 19th at 2:00 p.m. and an additional performance on September 20th at 2:00 p.m. International Talk Like a Pirate Day is a parodic holiday created in 1995. Since it falls on a Saturday this year, Superbunny is celebrating Talk Like a Pirate Weekend with his new exciting pirate musical, "Ahoy, matey!"
It's a song filled tale that's packed with exciting moments of audience participation like joining the pirates on deck for a musical number and seeing a thirty foot octopus swimming across the stage... someone might even have to walk the plank!
While on vacation, Superbunny lands on a tropical island and quickly finds it's not all fun in the sun. Someone is dumping garbage in the ocean and ruining the beautiful beaches and clean water. It's up to our hero to get to the bottom of this crime but his efforts may be doomed when he tangles with a band of pirates in this new children's musical that condemns polluting our oceans. Superbunny's thoughtfulness, reasoning skills, and eco-conscious instincts make him a perfect example for today's children to look up to.
Book and lyrics by Michael MacKenzie Wills (creator/writer/director of the MAC Award winning Operation Opera), and music by Alastair William King (Outlaws: The Ballad of Billy the Kid).
Superbunny's Pirate Vacation is produced by Rabbit Hole Theatricks, a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt organization that offers all of their shows free, or low cost, to everyone. Their mission is to entertain, inform, and educate, thereby enriching the cultural life of each audience member. Through humor, they bring the classics (and original works) to young and seasoned audiences alike in an effort to reduce, and possibly reverse, the dumbing down of America.
Photo by Stuart MacKenzie