The event takes place on Saturday, August 27, 2022 from 7-9pm.
NOoSPHERE Arts presents WE ARE NATURE 2022: Patterns of Connection on August 27, 2022 from 7-9pm at the NOoSPHERE Arts Stage Roof, NYC and Kingsland Wildflowers at Broadway Stages, Brooklyn. For more information and to register for the 8/27 free event, visit
Saturday, August 27, 2022 from 7-9pm
Gjert Rognli's project «What nature knows - Dan maid luondu diehtá» reflects a personal affiliation with Arctic Northern Norway - a region defined by light, darkness, and the seasons. Rognli, who identifies with the Sámi culture, works across film, photography, sculpture, and performance, drawing on a passionate connection with the organic world. The multimedia project is a mythological journey into deep forests and across misty waterways- where surreal phenomena guide the viewer through the unknown. Capra: The Emergence of Novelty.
The third iteration of the NOoSPHERE Arts annual rooftop series combines arts, environmental activism, and community building. Set in a surreally beautiful nature sanctuary sprouting on top of an ExxonMobil industrial plant on the bank of Superfund site Newton Creek, the recurring WE ARE NATURE Rooftop Series offers a combination of multiple art forms - dance, music, performance, visual art, poetry, prose and film - addressing humanity's place in the greater All with the aim of engaging a diverse audience in environmental efforts through art.
This summer, NOoSPHERE Arts is once again collaborating with internationally renowned ecoliteracy scholar, Dr. Fritjof Capra. NOoSPHERE Arts selected five crucial topics from Fritjof Capra's Patterns of Connection (2021) around which their artists will create new, site-specific works for one-of-a-kind urban wildlife arenas. Over these five public events, the live art pieces will be complemented with poetically presented fact-based input from Dr. Capra in the form of readings, virtual and/or in-person appearances. NOoSPHERE Arts hopes audiences walk away with the central message that we already have solutions we know will work. Rather than perpetuating the prevalent sense of doom-which only causes people to give up-NOoSPHERE Arts' multidisciplinary rooftop programming instills belief in personal agency and hope through collective action.