Magical Promotions, together with Coney Island USA, presents an afternoon of fun and wonder for the entire family. "Magic at Coney!!!" is a magical variety show highlighting a vast array of magicians; featuring illusionists, escape artists, mentalists and close-up magicians from around the world.
Admission is only $12 for adults and $8 for children under 12.
Maximum of 75 tickets sold per performance. Advance online purchase recommended. There are no extra fees for online purchases.
Advance tickets available through:
Sundays at 12 Noon
Coney Island Museum
1208 Surf Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11224
Hosted by Gary Dreifus, award-winning magician, mentalist, hypnotist, magic instructor and world-renowned magical host, the performers this week are:
July 28th
Zach Alexander
Zach Alexander entertains with his unique style of amazing magic, performing hands-on, interactive magic shows for audiences throughout North America. As a seasoned magician and illusionist, Zach is a pro at including the audience in his performance and making it a fun event for those both young and old!
Torkova is an Award-Winning Mind-Reader and Magician. He reveals secretly thought of childhood names, dates and other personal information that could not possibly have been known beforehand. Torkova's entertainment skills along with his warm wit will have you laughing and wondering if this could all possibly be real? Torkova is currently starring in his autobiographical solo production of "A Hanky and a Top Hat!"
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