Magical Promotions, together with Coney Island USA, presents an afternoon of fun and wonder for the entire family. "Magic at Coney!!!" is a magical variety show highlighting a vast array of magicians; featuring illusionists, escape artists, mentalists and close-up magicians from around the world.
Admission is only $10 for adults and $5 for children under 12.
Advance tickets available through:
Sundays at 12 Noon
Award-winning magician, mentalist, hypnotist, NYer of the Week, Star of Brooklyn, magic instructor and world-renowned magical host.
Thomas Solomon
The World's Greatest Escape Artist, as evidenced by an award-winning handcuff act (2000 World Magic Awards) at The Roxy, The Magic Castle, Limelight, MK, Bally's, the White House and on several television specials throughout the world! He has received numerous citations, including one from President Barack Obama, Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York and Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey, for his work on behalf of wounded veterans.