Magical Promotions, together with Coney Island USA, presents an afternoon of fun and wonder for the entire family. "Magic at Coney!!!" is a magical variety show highlighting a vast array of magicians; featuring illusionists, escape artists, mentalists and close-up magicians from around the world.
Admission is only $12 for adults and $8 for children under 12.Max Kovins
Brooklyn born and reared, Max Kovins is a third-generation carny who has been practicing magic and the related arts for over 42 years. Max has performed on both the east and west coasts and can be seen in burlesque productions throughout Brooklyn and Manhattan.
Rich Kameda
Rich Kameda is known as the "Astonishing Asian". He performs, teaches, consults and writes for amateurs and professionals alike. Rich is one of the regular performers at Ninja New York, can be seen year-round at Tannen's Magic and festivals throughout the city!