Magical Promotions, together with Coney Island USA, presents an afternoon of fun and wonder for the entire family. "Magic at Coney!!!" is a magical variety show highlighting a vast array of magicians; featuring illusionists, escape artists, mentalists and close-up magicians from around the world.
Admission is only $12 for adults and $8 for children under 12.Tommy was born with Cerebral Palsy and through lots of physical, mental and spiritual work is merely left with a slight speech impediment and minimal paralysis, yet he was a finalist in the New York's Got Talent competition. He has performed in 48 out of 50 states and all over Europe and Scandinavia. His subtle demeanor and dry sense of humor will keep you entertained.
Rachel Wax
Inspired by her father's ability to make people laugh and amazed simultaneously, Rachell Wax has been obsessed with magic since the age of 16. Rachel performs at venues all over the country; appearing as a regular at A Taste of Magic and Speakeasy Magick as well as television appearances that include CUNY TV and Fox 5. To any young women out there wondering, yes, girls can do magic too! They just have to do it without pockets.
Eric Qiu
After his successful debut performances this past season, award-winning magician Eric Qiu returns to Magic at Coney!!! Eric hails from Shanghai, China where he is well regarded as a performer, director, producer and Master of Ceremonies of magic shows throughout the country. He now brings his brand of magic to audiences in the United States.