Magical Promotions, together with Coney Island USA, presents an afternoon of fun and wonder for the entire family. "Magic at Coney!!!" is a magical variety show highlighting a vast array of magicians; featuring illusionists, escape artists, mentalists and close-up magicians from around the world.
Jim Vines
Jim Vines specializes in close-up magic and his original, award-winning magic effects have been published in several professional Magic publications! Jim can be seen performing his unique style of magic on Friday and Saturday nights at A Taste of Magic in Manhattan. Jim is the 2017 North American Champion of Close-Up Magic, and also won the 2017 People's Choice Award.
Rich Kameda
Rich Kameda is known as the "Astonishing Asian". He performs, teaches, consults and writes for amateurs and professionals alike. Rich is one of the regular performers at Ninja New York, can be seen year-round at Tannen's Magic and festivals throughout the city!
Bubbles the Clown
Making his Magic at Coney!!! debut, Bubbles the Clown (also known as David Forsyth) has been entertaining lucky audiences in the UK for over 25 years. From a very young age David loved clowns, circuses and magic and finally made it his full time career. Throughout his life, Bubbles has been host to a variety of different events. Ranging from kids parties and cooperate events to one of his most famous campaigns, being part of the "You're Having a Laugh Referee" with The Sun newspaper. ?Bubbles has also been involved in various Television projects including the popular children's series Aunt Barmy Boomerang. Most recently David Forsyth also appeared in All Round to Mrs. Brown's.
When Bubbles isn't entertaining, he very much enjoys volunteering for a wide range of charities throughout the UK.