The Bushwick Starr presents the world premiere of The Conversationalists, created by the popular downtown musician-storyteller duo James & Jerome (Piano Tales at Joe's Pub at The Public Theater, Ink at the Metropolitan Museum of Art) and developed with and directed by Annie Tippe (Octet at Signature Theatre, Ghost Quartet at The Bushwick Starr, etc.).
The show has now extended through February 1!
In their most recent experiment with live storytelling and music, as well as their first time working with an ensemble of musicians and performers, James & Jerome create an original movie that plays only inside the audience's minds. This live "movie" is an international melodrama about the triangular friendship (and sometimes enemyship) between a Colombian-born Mexican-raised pop-ranchera star, her teenage son, and a Palestinian-born Jordanian-raised owner of a chess shop in Greenwich Village. The Conversationalists is experienced at once as a theater piece, a concert, a radio play, a night of storytelling, and a movie dreamed together. Featuring Jerome Ellis, James Harrison Monaco, John Murchison, Michelle J. Rodriguez, and Delaney Stockli Music directed by Jerome Ellis
Additional Music and Orchestrations by: John Murchison, Michelle J. Rodriguez, and Delaney Stockli
Set Design by Diggle, Lighting Design by Jeanette Oi-Suk Yew, Sound Design by Lawrence Schober, Video Design by Caroline M. Trewet, Associate Video Design by Taylor Edelle Stuart, Assistant Lighting Designer and Master Electrician: Christina Tang, Production Stage Management by Kelly Kirby, Dramaturgy by Salma S. Zohdi, Produced by Eleanor Regan.
Tickets available at