Girl Be Heard Trinidad and Tobago (GBHTT), is a year-round, after-school program, transforming the lives of girls at Bishop's Centenary College. The mission of the program, headquartered in New York City, is to develop, amplify, and celebrate the voices of young women through socially conscious theatre-making. GBHTT's end of year showcase features brave stories (original spoken word poetry and songs written and performed by 11 inspiring teens at Bishop's) this Thursday, June 27, at Little Carib Theatre. 6-8 pm. This year's theme is "Muh Whole Self."
"Our new show, Muh Whole Self, involves the girls taking their journey from the introspective, and then holding that mirror up to the world they experience around them. A reminder on how to be our best and biggest cheerleaders, through self-love, sisterhood and solidarity. The girls celebrate themselves, the women who have inspired them and the powerful women of the future that they are bound to become.
-- Arielle John, Teaching Artist, GBHTT
TV Interview with Teaching Artist Arielle John and Student/Rapper Candace, Age 15
"Girl Be Heard is a home away from home. It's the one place where I get to express myself and not have to worry about people taking what I have to say the wrong way or being misunderstood. Every girl should have a program like this to go to, to learn and grow and help them overcome."
--Delicia, 16, Bishop's Centenary
What began in 2008 with twelve girls is now a renowned theatre collective and a global movement that engages audiences at the White House, United Nations, State Department, TED conferences, and in underserved communities, locally and globally. For more information, visit here.