Neil McGarry returns to The Spire Center for Performing Arts with his acclaimed solo performance of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol on December 22, 2024. This adaptation, recognized for its engaging presentation, transforms Dickens' beloved holiday tale into a riveting theatrical experience. McGarry's performance has captivated audiences, showcasing the emotional depth and wit of the classic story with a minimalist yet powerful approach. Directed by Ross MacDonald, the production promises to be a compelling rendition of a timeless narrative.
Lúnasa Irish Solstice Celebration (12/15/24-12/15/24)
Cherish The Ladies Christmas Celebration (12/20/24-12/20/24)
New Year's Eve Comedy Night (12/31/24-12/31/24)
Uncle John's Banjo Halloween Spectacular (10/31/24-10/31/24)
Emily Dickinson and the Wilde Irish Women: The Story of Margaret Maher and the Celtification of Emily Dickinson (10/27/24-10/27/24)
The Young Dubliners (3/28/24-3/28/24)
Gabe Stillman (2/28/24-2/28/24)
Lisa Bastoni (2/6/24-2/6/24)
Amanda Carr (1/31/24-1/31/24)
Vapors of Morphine (1/25/24-1/25/24)
O’Neal Armstrong (1/23/24-1/23/24)
Crystal Ship (1/18/24-1/18/24)
Sarah Martin (1/16/24-1/16/24)
Klea Blackhurst, Jim Caruso & Billy Stritch will star in “A Swinging Christmas” direct from NYC
JM Productions (12/7 - 12/7) CONCERT HOLIDAY SHOW
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Annual Family Concert
Boston University Tsai Performance Center (12/8 - 12/8) | ||
Max Richter with the American Contemporary Music Ensemble
Emerson Colonial Theatre (4/26 - 4/26) | ||
Insidious: The Further You Fear
Emerson Colonial Theatre (3/7 - 3/8) | ||
Utopian Hotline
Museum of Science, Planetarium (5/1 - 5/18) | ||
Dr. Seuss' How The Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical
Boch Center Wang Theatre (12/10 - 12/23) | ||
Johnny Appleseed Plus
52 Sumner (12/8 - 12/8) | ||
The Seasons
Robert J. Orchard Stage, Paramount Center (3/12 - 3/16) | ||
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