The quirky revenge comedy production presented by Theatre on Fire, Exit, Pursued By A Bear written by Lauren Gunderson and directed by Darren Evans is coming to Charlestown Working Theater this October.
A witty show featuring four offbeat characters, showing one woman named Nan who decides to teach her abusive husband, Kyle, a lesson. With the help from one friend and one stripper Nan ties up her husband and the group forces him to watch them reenact stories from the couple's troubled past.Shakespeare fans may recognize the title of the show - Exit, Pursued By A Bear - as a stage direction from The Winter's Tale. This emotional theatrical production, show the couple struggling together, and eventually learning about themselves and their relationship. Oh, and Nan is also baiting wild bears with meat and honey, hoping that they will want to maul her husband, Kyle. A very healthy relationship indeed!
Running October 11 through 26, Thursdays-Saturdays at 8:00pm at Charlestown Working Theater, 442 Bunker Hill Street, Charlestown, MA 02129. Tickets are all general admission - Regular: $20; Seniors/Students: $10.
For more information:
Theatre on Fire:
Charlestown Working Theater: