Womb-Words, Thirsting makes its Boston Premiere! Starring Lenelle Moïse Oct 30 and 31 - 8pm, Nov 1 - 2pm Calderwood Pavilion $15 to $45
Smooth as jazz one moment, rapid-fire as bullets the next, Womb-Words, Thirsting stitches together a patchwork of hip-hop theater, womanist Voudou jazz, interactive storytelling and proud, luscious poetry. In a one-woman tour de force, Lenelle re-conceives memory of her coming-of-age in Cambridge - working class, immigrant and lesbian in a time of teen pregnancy, AIDS, Katrina and homophobic violence.
Buy your tickets now!
CLICK HERE: http://www.bostontheatrescene.com/season/production.aspx?id=7879&src=t
The opening performance of Womb-Words, Thirsting features a pre-show reception hosted by QWOC+ and Sistah Insider.
CLICK HERE for information and tickets: http://www.thetheateroffensive.org/oote_09/institute/nibble-and-network