Vogue Evolution and Boston's Youth Walk the Runway TOGETHER!
If you're 14-22 years old, it's time to swing your weave and strut your stuff! ClimACTS Evolution's feature performers from Vogue Evolution will dance all the way from NYC's vogue scene and MTV's America's Best Dance Crew to walk the runway with Boston's own LGBT and allied youth! On Friday, May 13 from 3:30-6 pm at Hiberian Hall in Dudley Square, all of the glamorous participants will absorb the history of vogue, learn some signature dance moves and walk the runway in this one of a kind workshop. The Boston Gay and Lesbian Adolescent Social Services (Boston GLASS) and Boston Alliance for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Youth (BAGLY) are co-sponsoring what is sure to be our fiercest OUT in Your Neighborhood workshop yet. Friend True Colors on Facebook to RSVP.
True Colors: Dare to Be Out
Audition Notice: Rachel and Sybil at the Stonewall Inn
Dust off that fabulous headshot and sing OUT those do-re-mi's! Are you a non-union actor/singer or know someone who is? The Theater Offensive seeks the best of the best for Rachel and Sybil at the Stonewall Inn, new street musical to be performed June 4 - June 18 around Boston and Cambridge. If you are ready to join the OUT in Your Neighborhood campaign through creative artistry, send an email to nick@thetheateroffensive.org with your name, phone number, best times to be reached, and vocal range. Show us what you're made of on Tuesday, April 26 from 6:30-9pm. Best of luck to all!Get your tickets for ClimACTS! Evolution! This year's festivities are bringing OUT Boston's hottest LGBT crowd for a night of sexy dancing, our infamous live auction, and all kinds of fabulosity. Members of MTV Superstars Vogue Evolution will be in the house for a feature performance and WCVB-TV's David Brown will be our host. Purchase tickets now and meet us at The Estate on Thursday, May 12 , 7-10pm.