The Emperor's New Clothes, a new musical adaptation for children and their families, begins performances at the Loeb Drama Center (64 Brattle Street, Cambridge) today-December 21-and continues through December 31, 2018.
The beloved tale of The Emperor's New Clothes comes to life on stage with some surprising new elements-including disco! Newly adapted for children, this production reminds us that, when we feel the pressure to conform, staying true to ourselves is the most important thing of all. The Emperor's New Clothes, based on the tale by Hans Christian Anderson, features original music and an ensemble of Harvard undergraduate students. The creative team is led by Eliya Smith (Harvard '20, Book), Sasha Yakub (Harvard '20, Music), Sarah Rossman (Harvard '20, Lyrics), Ryan Kapur ('20, Choreography), and Mitchell Polonsky (Harvard '20, Direction).
Tickets at $10 for kids and $15 for adults are available online at, by phone at 617.547.8300, and in person at the Loeb Drama Center Ticket Services Offices (64 Brattle Street, Cambridge). Discounts are available to Subscribers, Members, groups, students, seniors, Blue Star families, EBT card holders, and others.
Previous family programming at the Loeb Drama Center includes Charlotte's Web (2017), James and The Giant Peach (2016), The Pirate Princess (2015), and The Light Princess (2013 and 2014).