Stickball Productions, which brought The Friends of Eddie Coyle to sellout shows at Oberon in 2012, again plumbs the urban underworld in the New England premiere of John Godber's rowdy comic classic Bouncers at Central Square's historic Cantab Lounge April 5-27. Tickets are on sale now at
With just four tuxedo-clad actors, Bouncers follows a raucous, raunchy, and rancid night in the lives of four lager-fueled young British lads, four not-so-ladylike ladies, and the four bouncers at the Mr. Cinders nightclub who watch it all go down-not that they haven't seen it before.
The Cantab Lounge, Central Square, is 21-plus, but not to worry, this one isn't for the kids. The collection of anti-heroes will alternately spew, grind, dramatize Swedish porn, and dance their way through the Friday nights of youth with few prospects gone wild.
A winner of numerous LA Drama Critics Awards and decades of critical praise since its first performance in Sheffield in 1977, Bouncers is among the most frequently produced plays in the United Kingdom. Stickball Productions' presents the first known performance in New England, appropriately in a venue with a full bar.
Bouncers features Joe Siriani as Lucky Eric, James Bocock as Ralph, Patrick Curran as Les, and Seyi Ayorinde as Judd, directed by Bill Doncaster. Lighting design by Anthony Phelps, sound design by Robin Gabrielli, choreography by Frenchy Hernandez.
Performances play The Cantab Lounge, 738 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, Mass., on Friday, April 5; Saturday, April 6; Friday, April 12; Saturday, April 13; Friday, April 19; Saturday, April 20; Friday, April 21; Saturday, April 27. All show times 8 p.m., doors and bar at 7:30 p.m. Tickets: $20 at
Stickball Productions, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit formed to present affordable theater to new audiences.