Shakespeare & Company marked the 25th Anniversary of its Fall Festival of Shakespeare this past weekend with an unforgettable Benefit Celebration of heart-stirring performances, workshops, a tribute to Director of Education Kevin G. Coleman, and a reunion of alumni and friends from the past 25 years. Artistic Director Tony Simotes shared the stage with the Honoraray Chair and Master of Ceremonies Massachusetts State Representative William 'Smitty' Pignatelli, welcoming over 200 guests to the Tina Packer Playhouse. The evening's performance was highlighted by a special presentation by Pignatelli to Coleman of a Resolution from the Massachusetts House of Representatives honoring the Festival (see Resolution below). The Benefit Celebration raised close to $60,000 ($11,000 from a silent auction and live auction that included two special packages-see details below). Proceeds from The Fall Festival of Shakespeare 25th Benefit Celebration will support the Company's wide-reaching and nationally-recognized Education Program.
To hear more about the event, visit Shakespeare & Company on facebook.