Shakespeare & Company has announced the launch of a new book, Shakespeare & Company: When Action is Eloquence, co-written by Company Member Bella Merlin and Founding Artistic Director Tina Packer, with a special foreword by Artistic Director Allyn Burrows. Drawing on previously unpublished material - including notebooks, lectures, interviews, and rehearsal diaries - and the Company's newly collated historical archive, the book provides insight into the unique works of a theatre company, and sheds light on the role Shakespeare plays in our modern world. Published by Routledge in March 2020, Shakespeare & Company: When Action is Eloquence is now on sale. Beginning Wednesday, May 6, Shakespeare & Company will present a series of virtual events to promote this special book.
"As we currently feel the challenges of social separation, now could be the perfect time to read this book," said Merlin. "The work initially pioneered by Tina Packer and Kristin Linklater in 1978 - sustained and emboldened by Shakespeare & Company for over 40 years through Training, Education and Performance - heads straight to the heart of collective storytelling. I'm humbled, yet proud, to have been entrusted by Tina Packer, the late Dennis Krausnick, Kevin G. Coleman, and Allyn Burrows with telling the Company's collective story: it's arguably one of the biggest acts of love and service I've ever felt inspired to undertake." Shakespeare & Company: When Action is Eloquence is the first comprehensive investigation into the internationally acclaimed company founded in 1978 in Lenox, Massachusetts, by actor-director Tina Packer and voice pioneer Kristin Linklater, with the transformative power of Shakespeare's language at its heart. The book poses the questions: Why act Shakespeare? What is his relevance in the twenty-first century? The answers to these compelling questions lie at the center of this highly accessible journey into Shakespeare & Company's aesthetics, pedagogy, and practice.Wednesday, May 6 - Video Interview with Tina Packer and Bella Merlin, hosted by Allyn Burrows, sent via Shakespeare & Company's Newsletter and posted to Facebook at 11am EST.
Thursday, May 7 - Facebook Live with Bella Merlin and Tina Packer 4:00pm-4:45pm EST on the Shakespeare & Company Facebook page. Additionally, the Company will host Virtual Book-Give-Away, Copies will be signed and personalized by Packer. See Shakespeare & Company Facebook Page for Details and Entry information Thursday, May 14 - Video Interview with Kevin G. Coleman, Tina Packer and Bella Merlin, hosted by Allyn Burrows, sent via Shakespeare & Company's Newsletter and posted to Facebook at 11am EST. The book is available for purchase on Shakespeare & Company's website, the publishers website here, and on amazon books.Videos