Ever been given a second chance, began a second career or enjoyed a gourmet second course that changed your life? Share that story, or participate by listening in at the South Shore's premiere Story Slam, on Friday, April 11, 7 pm, at the James Library & Center for the Arts, 24 West Street, Norwell. The theme for the evening's storytelling is "second chances", all submissions are welcome. The event is sponsored by massmouth, a Boston-based organization dedicated to the timeless art of storytelling since 2008, popularized through Greater Boston slams, education and social media.
Story Slams bring stories and people together. Storytellers share funny, emotional and often heartbreaking tales, woven on the model of the popular The Moth Radio Hour or NPR's adored program This American Life. The audience and spoken word create a connection during the evening, tapping the power and intimacy that only storytelling in front of a live audience can bring. Modeled after poetry slams, story slams invite participants of all skill levels to share true stories in five minutes or less. Storytelling candidates register upon entry to the Story Slam, all are welcome. Participating storytellers are chosen at random from entries to share story on the theme of "second chances". Volunteer guest judges evaluate on how the story is told, constructed, how well it explores, connects and/or reveals some truth about the theme, and award prizes based on a story's narrative arc, presentation and thematic connection. A key to the spontaneous fun are the members of the audience, who participate as listeners, and vote for the "People's Choice Award".
Renowned storyteller Andrea Lovett appears as host and emcee, kicking off the evening with a variety of one minute tales to whet the palate. Lovett has been performing and teaching storytelling professionally since 1992. From the moment she begins to speak, her audiences are caught up in the magic of story. She has appeared widely at worldwide locations including First Night Boston, Disney World, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, Royal Crescent Park in Bath, England. She has taught storytelling workshops/residencies at Tuft University, Lesley College, and at schools and festivals across the country.
Tickets for listeners and storytellers are $12 in advance and $15 at the door. A cash bar is also available. For more information visit jameslibrary.org, massmouth.ning.com, or call 781-659-7100.