Al Gregory (Tony Estella) is an evangelist, a missionary; not of Jesus Christ, but of Ralph Waldo Emerson with a sprinkling of pseudo-Jesus. Like any good evangelist, there is a past for which he is seeking redemption, a terrific message and a touch of mania. Al is the central character in Radio Free Emerson, which is a piece written by Paul Grellong. The work is a first-ever commission by The Gamm.
The play opens at Al Gregory's father's funeral. The elder Gregory owned a small a.m. radio station in Rhode Island. He was also the station's resident self-help guru. Al, the prodigal son, returns for his father's funeral and steps into his father's shoes both at the talk radio station and in life.The writer quickly lets the audience know that the Gregory family is the model of dysfunction. We come to suspect that Al's mother, Marilyn Gregory (Alyn Carlson), has been carrying on an adulterous affair with a long-time family friend, Dr. Bentham (Richard Donnelly). Al's former love interest, Gina (Tanya Anderson) got pregnant by his father and her husband Henry (Steve Kidd), who is Al's oldest friend, doesn't have a clue about, well, anything.As the story unfolds, the character who has the information has the power and moves the narrative. That person is usually Al, who uses that power and his family's influence to keep his own unsavory past hidden. He fills in for his father at the radio station and spreads the re-fried gospel of Emerson and self-reliance to Rhode Island's a.m. airwave masses.Videos