The world-renowned South African theater artists Fred Abrahamse and Marcel Meyer have been bringing vibrant works to the Provincetown Theater stage (238 Bradford Street, Provincetown, MA.), in conjunction with the annual Tennessee Williams Theater Festival, since 2013. This year, Abrahamse and Meyer return for a special month-long artists' residency at the Provincetown Theater to create their new interpretation of Williams' The Night of the Iguana for the 2019 TWTF (Sept 26-29). While in-residence at Provincetown Theater, starting September 12th - and for 8 performances only -- the company will revive their acclaimed production of Yukio Mishima's hauntingly sensual love story The Lady Aoi.
Under Abrahamse's direction, The Lady Aoi stars Joel DeCandio and co-creator Marcel Meyer employ a dazzling assortment of puppets, masks, and costumes in Yukio Mishima's modern take on a classic 15th-century Noh play. Running Sept 12th thru 22nd, The Lady Aoi performs Thursdays thru Saturdays at 7pm, with Sunday matinees at 2pm, at the Provincetown Theater, 238 Bradford Street in Provincetown, MA. Tickets can be obtained online at Or at the box office during afternoon business hours. For further information, please call 508. 487.7487.
In Mishima's The Lady Aoi, an apparition haunts a hospitalized woman while a mysterious nurse looks on. As body and spirit mix, violent thoughts turn erotic, and a deeper window opens onto a time of fierce beauty and lost love.
Abrahamse and Meyer Productions previously produced Hamlet and Sweet Bird of Youth in 2017 at the Tennessee Williams Festival, as well as Desire Under the Elms in 2016, The Milk Train Doesn't Stop Here Anymore and The Day on Which a Man Dies in 2015, the U.S. debut of Mishima's The Lady Aoi in 2014, and Kingdom of Earth in 2013.
Presented in partnership with Provincetown Tennessee Williams Theater Festival, updates and information on The Lady Aoi and more can be found on the Provincetown Theater's Facebook and Instagram pages. Please follow us there, or visit our website