Pilgrim Festival Chorus (PFC), the region's principal community chorus, presents its holiday season concert, A Hometown Christmas, on Saturday, December 2 at 7:30 pm, and Sunday December 3 at 4:00 pm, at St. Bonaventure Parish, 803 State Road, Plymouth. The chorus is conducted by Music Director William B. Richter and accompanied by Assistant Director Elizabeth Chapman Reilly.
A Hometown Christmas offer favorite carols and seasonal music drawn from previous PFC winter concert programs, set in three sections: Anticipation, Night of Wonder, and Christmas. The performance begins with a chorus procession to the medieval carol, Nowell sing we, both all and some, followed by works on themes of Advent, including Philip Dietterich's arrangement of People, look east, the tender Polish carol, Infant holy, infant lowly, John Gardiner's rambunctious arrangement of Tomorrow shall be my dancing day, carols by composers as Mendelssohn, Vaughan Williams, and Rutter, ending with the up-beat Gospel tune, Go where I send thee.
Since 1999, PFC has delighted South Shore audiences with classical programming. More than 70 vocalists of all adult ages fill out the ensemble, dedicated to authentic choral singing. In addition to the winter concert, PFC presents a major choral work each spring, an annual Messiah Sing in December, and summer concerts featuring pops-style programming.
Tickets are $20 for adults, $18 for senior citizens and $15 for students over 14. Children age 14 and under are admitted for free. Advance tickets may be purchased online at www.pilgrimfestivalchorus.org; and from PFC members. To reserve tickets by phone, please call Gail at (781) 826-8416. For more information, please visit www.pilgrimfestivalchorus.org, or follow Pilgrim Festival Chorus on Facebook.