Come spend a fun and crazy night with the Sycamore family, a loving if slightly zany household, where everyone does exactly what he or she wants. Alice Sycamore (Meg Lowey of Foxboro, Ma), their ever suffering daughter, invites her wealthy fiancé Tony Kirby (Ben Goldsmith of Franklin, Ma) and his extremely conservative parents Mr. Kirby (Jason Hunt of Hopedale, Ma) and Mrs. Kirby (Luanne Perry of Bellingham, Ma) over for dinner...but they come on the wrong night! What ensues is a madcap farce filled with hilarity. This Moss Hart show is truly one of the greatest comedies of all time. An absolutely delightful laugh riot!
Also in this multitalented cast are:
From Bellingham, Ma: Justin Morin (Henderson), Keith Mottola (Boris Kolenkhov)
From Framingham, Ma:
Jeanette Lake-Jackson (Rheba)
From Franklin, Ma:
Val Carrachino (Penny Sycamore), Dan Rabasco (Grandpa Martin Vanderhoff), Jim Ulanski (Paul Sycamore)
From Hopedale, Ma: Josh Hunt (G Man), Liz Hunt (Essie Carmichael)
From Holliston, Ma: Scott Miller (Mr. De Pinna)
From Milford, Ma: Gloria Dewar (Countess Olga Katrina), Pauline Landmesser (Gay Wellington)
From Upton, Ma: Chris O'Reilly (Donald)
From Uxbridge, Ma: Ryan Leverone (Ed Carmichael), Rebecca Gazaille (G Man)
"You Can't Take it With You" will be performed at The Steps Off Broadway Theatre, 799 South Main St, Bellingham, Ma on Friday July 24th and Saturday July 25th at 8p.m. and Sunday July 26th at 2:00 p.m. Tickets, which are $15, may be purchased by calling Steps Off Broadway at (508)876-9797 or reserved by emailing A group rate of $10 per ticket is available for groups of 15 or more. For more information call (508)876-9797 or check the website at
Liz Hunt, Ryan Leverone, Dan Rabasco, Jim Ulanski, Val Carrachino and Ben Goldsmith
Jim Ulanski, Meg Lowey and Val Carrachino
Ryan Leverone, Ben Goldsmith, Meg Lowey, Jim Ulanski and Val Carrachino
Jason Hunt, Luanne Perry, Pauline Murphy, Gloria Dewar, Josh Hunt, Jeanette Lake-Jackson, Chris O'Reilly, Scott Miller, Justin Morin, Meg Lowey, Ryan Leverone, Liz Hunt, Dan Rabasco, Jim Ulanski, Val Carrachino and Ben Goldsmith
Dan Rabasco, Ryan Leverone, Ben Goldsmith, and Meg Lowey