This is the month for LOTS of family time so how about bringing your family (and friends) to see IMPROV SOUP this Friday, November 15. Now there's a family worth being a part of. Meet the troupe below!
Improv Soup, the Un-Common Theatre Co.'s improvisational comedy troupe, is made up of teenagers from all over Southeastern Massachusetts and is directed by Improv Soup Alumni Colleen Murphy (Mansfield, MA). The Soupians perform a fun and interactive show for the whole family one Friday a month at 7:30 P.M. at the Burrell School Auditorium, 16 Morse St. in Foxboro, MA. Tickets to a night of fabulous improvisational comedy cost a mere three bucks for students and seniors and five bucks for adults!This year's Troupe consists of:
From Foxboro, MA: James Donoghue and Sophie PhilibertCheck out the website at
The Soupians
The Soupians
The Soupians