Actors' Shakespeare Project presents The Cherry Orchard, Anton Chekhov's absurdist comedy of human frailties in an evolving world, February 12 to March 9, 2014 at The Dane Estate at Pine Manor College, 400 Heath Street, Chestnut Hill, MA. Directed by Obie Award-winner Melia Bensussen. For tickets go online to or call at 866-811-4111. Check out a first look at the cast below!
The cast features Resident Acting Company members Marya Lowry* (Lyubov Andreyevna Ranyevskaya), Richard Snee* (Leonid Gayev), Stephen Barkimer* (Yermolay Lopakhin), Sarah Newhouse* (Charlotta Ivanovna), and Marianna Bassham* (Varya). Additional cast includes Esme Allen as Dunyasha, Arthur Waldstein (Fiers), Lydia Barnett-Mulligan (Anya), Jake Berger (Boris Eimoenov-Pischin), Mac Young (Yasha), Danny Bryck* (Petya Trofimov) and Gabriel Graetz (Simon Epikhodov). * Members of Actor's Equity Association. The creative team includes Melia Bensussen (director), Cristina Todesco (scenic), Arshan Gailus (sound/composition), Nancy Leary (costume), John Malinowski (lighting), and Ian Thorsell (props). The stage management team includes Stage Manager Adele Nadine Traub and Assistant Stage Manager Erica Brown. Performance schedule is Thurs 2/27 at 7:30pm, Fri 2/28 at 7:30pm, Sat 3/1 at 3pm, Sat 3/1 at 8pm, Sun 3/2 at 3pm (with post-show discussion), Thurs 3/6 at 7:30pm. Fri 3/7 at 7:30pm, Sat 3/8 at 8pm (no 3pm show on this date) and Sun 3/9 at 3pm (with post-show discussion).
Marianna Bassham, Jake Berker and Marya Lowry
Marya Lowry, Steven Barkhimer, Jake Berger
Lydia Barnett-Mulligan, Marya Lowry, Marianna Bassham
Mac Young and Esmee Allen
Marya Lowry, Danny Bryck
Jake Berger, Marya Lowry, Arthur Waldstein, Steven Barkhimer
Esmee Allen, Gabriel Graetz, Sarah Newhouse
Richard Snee, Marianna Bassham
Lydia Barnett-Mulligan, Richard Snee, Marianna Bassham