Shakespeare & Company presents Shakespeare's Cymbeline, directed by Founding Artistic Director Tina Packer. This tale of love and passion, produced for the first time on the Company's Mainstage, runs in the Tina Packer Playhouse now through August 6, 2017. The production also marks a personal milestone for Packer, who, after opening her production of Cymbeline, will have directed all 37 plays in the Shakespeare canon. BroadwayWorld has a first look at the cast in action below!
Cymbeline bears the wondrous language of the seasoned playwright through wild plot twists, mistaken identities, and a heart-rending quest for love. Packer's production features Tamara Hickey and Jonathan Epstein of last summer's The Merchant of Venice, along with Jason Asprey, Thomas Brazzle, Nigel Gore, Deaon Griffin-Pressley, Ella Loudon, Josh Aaron McCabe, and Bella Merlin. All the actors play multiple roles-rarely leaving the stage.
The creative team includes Kris Stone (Set Design), Deb Sullivan (Lighting Design), Tyler Kinney (Costume Design) and David Reiffel (Sound Design).
Tickets for Cymbeline are available online at, or by calling Shakespeare & Company's box office at (413) 637-3353. The Tina Packer Playhouse is air-conditioned and wheelchair accessible. Shakespeare & Company is located at 70 Kemble Street in Lenox, Massachusetts.
Photo Credit: Stratton McCrady
Bella Merlin and Deaon Griffin-Pressley
(back row) Josh Aaron McCabe, Deaon Griffin-Pressley, Nigel Gore, Ella Loudon; (front row) Thomas Brazzle, Tamara Hickey, Jonathan Epstein, Bella Merlin, Jason Asprey
Tamara Hickey and Thomas Brazzle
Josh Aaron McCabe and Tamara Hickey
Tamara Hickey and Josh Aaron McCabe. Photo by Stratton McCrady
Nigel Gore, Jason Asprey, Jonathan Epstein
Josh McCabe and Thomas Brazzle
Jason Asprey and Tamara Hickey
Josh Aaron McCabe and Tamara Hickey