Opening Night of the American screwball comedy His Girl Friday, John Guare's adaptation of Ben Hecht and Charles MacArthur's original play The Front Page and the screen version of His Girl Friday took place at Barrington Stage Co. and Broadwayworld's Stephen Sorokoff was there. Julianned Boyd artistic director of BSC was the director.
Adapted from The Front Page by Ben Hecht and Charles MacArthur and the Columbia Pictures film and directed by Julianne Boyd, His Girl Friday is a no holds barred satire on tabloid journalism that crackles with quick quips, rapid-fire repartee and a big dose of sexual sparring.
The production stars Christopher Innvar (BSC's Much Ado About Nothing, Private Lives) as Walter Burns, in her BSC debut Jane Pfitsch (Roundabout's Cabaret and Les Liasions Dangereuses) as Hildy Johnson andMark H. Dold (BSC's Shining City, Breaking the Code) as Bruce Baldwin.
Guare sets his adaptation on the eve of World War II, August, 1939. On the world stage Hitler is about to invade Poland, but tonight tough-talking, ace word-slinger Hildy Johnson (Jane Pfitsch) has had enough of the Chicago newspaper racket. She's ready to throw it all away to catch the midnight train east, settle down with her fiancé Bruce Baldwin (Mark H. Dold) and become a lady of leisure. But that's before her former editor and ex-husband Walter Burns (Christopher Innvar) puts the kibosh on her plans, luring her back with the biggest breaking story of the year - no, it's not the threat of an impending war, but some poor dope who lost his job, went berserk, shot a cop and is waiting to swing; all this so the mayor can be re-elected.
The frenzied pace of Chicago's Criminal Courts press room comes to life with the support of Ben Caplan (Woodenshoes), Ethan Dubin (Sweeney), Brett Langdon (Wilson), James Riordan (McCue), Casey Shane(Endicott), Rocco Sisto (Sheriff), Anya Whelan Smith (Mollie Malloy), Jonathan Spivey (Bensinger), Gordon Stanley (Kruger), Christopher Tocco (Schwartz), Peggy Pharr Wilson (Mrs. Baldwin), and Robert Zukerman (Mayor).
Photo Credit: Stephen Sorokoff
Christopher Innvar, Curtain Call
Curtain Call, His Girl Friday
Curtain Call
Mark Dold, Jane Pfitsch, Christopher Innvar
Julianne Boyd, Artistic Director & director
Julianne Boyd & Dr. Norman Boyd
Michael Winther, Carmel Dean, Demond Green, Reman Webb, William Finn, Stephen Sorokoff, John Baylock
Mark Dold & Mary Ann Quinson, Board Chair
Mark Dold, Eda Sorokoff, Christopher Innvar
Jonathan Spivey, James Riordan, Brent Langdon
Norman Boyd, Jan Pfitsch, Bruno Quinson, Julianne Boyd
David Glodt, Al Jaffe, Bruno Quinson
Carole Burack, Sydelle Blatt, Marita O'Dea Glodt, Pres. Board of Directors
Eda Sorokoff & Sydelle Blatt, Board of Directors
Cast Photo Presentation
His Girl Friday