On November 7th, Rhode Islanders will vote whether or not to change the Rhode Island Constitution. Approval of Ballot Question 1 will allow the Narragansett Indians to move forward with their plans to build a Casino in West Warwick, RI, 13 miles south of Providence.
J.L. "Lynn" Singleton, who is president of the Providence Performing Arts Center (PPAC) believes that a large Rhode Island casino with showrooms "would bring down the curtain" on PPAC. In an Op-Ed piece that was published in the Providence Journal on October 18th, Singleton offered a grim picture of a future where PPAC has to compete with Harrah's and its "comped": entertainment: "It would not be sudden, but rather a slow and painful death. There would be an insidious spread that would begin with the loss of of performers to Harrah's new showroom...PPAC would be just another part of the collateral damage that Harrah's would inflict statewide."With two of the largest casinos in the country (Foxwoods and Mohegan Sun) already in easy driving distance, it is unclear whether or not the other downtown theaters are also nervous about the possibility of another large casino with performance space opening. The Board of Directors of Trinity Repertory Company, in Providence "has decided to take no position on the question, pro or con." The Providence Black Repertory, also in downtown Providence, "won't be taking a position on the Casino question..."Videos