The P.A.C.K. (Performing Artists Communicating Knowledge) in cooperation with the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Massachusetts will be presenting a performance of "AMONG BROTHERS" Parts I&II of the African Lodge Trilogy a play written by Mwalim *7) DaPhunkeeProfessor and Directed by Naheem Garcia on Saturday, April 28th @6PM. The Kroc Center is located at 650 Dudley Street, Dorchester, MA.
"AMONG BROTHERS" is a historical drama depicting the formation of the African Lodge in 1775 by Prince Hall and 15 Free Black men who had been made Freemasons, exploring the antecedents of Black Nationalism. The presentation of this historic drama is part of the celebration of the bi-annual re-opening of African Lodge 459 by the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. This event is free to the public.
Photo credit: Playwright, Mwalim, by LMMGM.