This very British comedy, based on the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Sherlock Holmes series, features impeccable comic timing. Set on craggy landscape of Dartmoor in Devon in England's West Country, 'The Hound of The Baskervilles' tells the story of an attempted murder inspired by the legend of a fearsome, diabolical hound of supernatural origin. Sherlock Holmes and his companion Dr. Watson investigate the case.
The lively farce features murder, a supernatural hound and the foggy desolate Devonshire moors. The performance is suitable for all ages, although adults will especially enjoy its sophisticated, comic take on landed nobility and country folk alike.
Mark Shanahan directs the cast featuring Joe Delafield as Sir Henry, Dan Domingues as Holmes, and Mark Price as Watson. The trio of actors take on multiple roles throughout the fast-paced performance with quick-change artistry. The production features sets by Charlie Corcoran, costumes by Jeni Schaefer, lighting by Christina Watanabe, sound by Sean Hagerty, and stage management by T. Rick Jones.
THE HOUND OF THE BASKERVILLES at White Heron Theatre, 5 North Water Street, Nantucket, Massachusetts, on stage now through July 20th. Tickets from $69-$79 are available by phone at (508)825-5268 or online at