Welcome in 2012 with Cotuit Center's "Make Fancy Hats for New Year's Eve". Join in for their last family event of 2011. These workshops are fun and a great way to renew some creative energy.
Make New Year's Eve party hats! Start with a brown paper bag and use your imagination and left over ribbons, tissue, paper and holiday folderol to make one of a kind hats for New Year's Eve. Have fun creating together. Gather your fancy bows and paper, they'll provide bags, tape, staplers, glue guns and more.
All Ages are invited to come and create, children 7 and under need to be with an adult.
Friday, December 30, 10:30-12:30
Cost: $15/$10 members Member cap $25 per family
Sliding scale available
RSVP to Lenore@cotuitcenterforthearts.org