Monsters! A Midlife Musical Meltdown hits the stage at The Regent Theatre, opening next Saturday. Back by popular demand, Monsters! premiered in 2006 in Boston, home to playwright/composer team Gail Phaneuf and Ernie Lijoi.
Monsters! has taken a road sparked by many highlights, including high-profile New York City industry readings featuring Broadways stars including Andrea McArdle, Cady Huffman, Joy Franz, Ann Harrada and Nicolette Hart. Most recently Monsters! was produced at The Deertrees Theatre in Harrison, Maine.
Performances will be held at the historic Regent Theatre, 7 Medford St. (off Mass. Ave.) in Arlington, from Saturday, February 25 through Saturday, March 10, 2012. Reserved seats range from $20-$30, with discounts available to groups and students. The Regent is MBTA and handicap accessible with free parking in the municipal lot across the street. For show times and to purchase tickets, please visit, or call the box office at 781-646-4849. For further information, or to listen to sample recordings, visit