Menopause The Musical is a hilarious musical parody celebrating "the change," staged to classic tunes from the '60s, '70s, and '80s. The show takes place in a department store, where four women, who seemingly have nothing in common, bond over hot flashes, forgetfulness, mood swings, wrinkles, night sweats, and chocolate binges.
Stoneham native Kathy St. George has performed all over the country in Menopause The Musical, including a two-year, record-breaking run at the Stuart Street Playhouse in Boston. Although St. George has appeared on Stoneham Theatre's stage multiple times, this is the first time Stoneham audiences will get to see her in Menopause. "I am really excited to be doing Menopause The Musical at Stoneham Theatre," St. George shared. "I've enjoyed doing this show for the past ten years, and am looking forward to sharing it with my hometown audience."
Menopause The Musical will run at Stoneham Theatre from June 12 - June 29, 2014. VIP tickets are $65; Premium $55; and Standard $50. Tickets go on sale January 18, 2014. Performances are on Wednesdays at 2:00pm & 7:30pm; Thursdays at 7:30pm; Fridays at 8:00pm; Saturdays at 4:00pm & 8:00pm; and Sundays at 2:00pm. For tickets, call the Stoneham Theatre Box Office at 781-279-2200, or visit