Here's another chance to become a Little Theatre of Fall River volunteer and meet new people!
Help is needed with the set build (inc. construction work, painting, decorating & move) of the set for the upcoming Little Theatre of Fall River production of "Alice in Wonderland"
This is an outdoor production that will be performed over two weekends: August 22 and 23 and September 5 and 6. The rain date is Monday, September 7. The production is made possible through the Adams Grant and Arts United.
Joe Wallace is directing and Karen Valcourt is stage managing. If you can spare some time to assist, please contact Joe for more details @ 508-287-6306.
If you're new to the group or area and are looking for a way to get involved and meet LTFR people, here's your chance. If you've been around for a while, then you know the routine and how much your help is needed and appreciated. If you're available, please consider joining us to make this production a success. No experience is required, just a willingness to help.