A new comedy, "Loving Hearts," by Sarah Clark opens at the Gloucester Stage Company on October 21 -25 and October 28-November 1. The play features Jennifer Lee Levitz, a Belmont native, and Sarah Clark, as two widows who on first meeting battle each other over what to plant on their husbands' graves.
The fireworks simmer down and the women reach out in friendship and humor as they kvetch about the in-laws, commiserate over their children, explore the differences and similarities in their Jewish and Yankee-Irish heritages and share stories of their loving, and occasionally annoying, marriages. They journey together through grief and set off on new adventures. The play was presented this August at the Lanesville Community Center and proved such a success that the production has been moved to the Gloucester Stage.
Produced by Theatre by MAJIC, performances are Wednesday and Sunday matinees at 2 p.m., and Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings at 7:30 p.m. The Gloucester Stage Company is located at 267 East Main Street in East Gloucester. For reservations call 978-281-4433 or email lovingheartslane@mail.com. Tickets are $15, single and two for $25.