"Sweet Prince" runs February 21st - February 22nd in Northampton, MA with three performances.
Junkyard Shakespeare will present SWEET PRINCE A One-Woman 'Hamlet'. "Sweet Prince" runs February 21st - February 22nd in Northampton, MA with three performances.
Whatever audience-goers might envision a one-woman production of "Hamlet" to be, Hilary Dennis promises it will likely be the opposite.
In the 60-minute "Sweet Prince," Dennis reimagines the relationship between audience and performer while challenging the idea of "doing the right thing."
It could be considered a bare-bones production, with only a three-person team - Dennis, Costanza Bugiani, co-producer/stage manager, and Alyse Maxner, lighting and sound tech - but Dennis is confident the material is hearty enough to rattle her audience.
"I want to shake people out of complacency," Dennis said. "It's what makes Hamlet so relevant - he's swallowed up by his own feelings and intellectual musings and never figures out how to take action until it's too late to save his own life."
To Dennis, Hamlet's isolation and decision-paralysis has a direct parallel with today's world, and it's exactly what she's fighting back against by requiring an in-person audience to physically come together in one place.
"We're getting less comfortable with taking risks," Dennis said. "Sweet Prince' is about empowering people to step into their own bravery and to take action to tell a whole story."
Tickets are available at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sweet-prince-tickets-1228576217539?aff=oddtdtcreator
Additional information available at https://www.hilarygdennis.com/
Hilary Dennis is a conservatory-trained actor and producer based in NYC and Northampton, MA. Past theatre credits include Hamlet (New York Circus Project), 750% (The Secret Theatre), Timeshare (IHRAF), As You Like It (Junkyard Shakespeare), Misconceptions (Blessed Unrest), Hamlet (La MaMa ETC), The Winter's Tale (Rude Grooms), and numerous productions with Elsewhere Shakespeare. Last year, she founded Junkyard Shakespeare, "unprocessed theatre" that prioritizes paying actors a living wage. Before pursuing acting professionally, she was an organic farmer.