On the evening of May 29, 2020, The Umbrella Arts Center invites the community to participate in a free special online celebration of the arts, STAND BY ME, at TheUmbrellaArts.org/StandByMe
A "re-imagining" of The Umbrella's annual ARTRAGEOUS gala and art auction, 2020's "Night-In" will include noted performers, tributes, and an online auction of singular arts experiences live-streamed on multiple platforms by the Brighton-based firm, AVFX.
Being honored with the 2020 Stewardship of the Arts Award is board member and philanthropist Liz Gross, central to driving The Umbrella's exponential expansion in recent years. Participants in the event include several past Umbrella supporters including Grammy-winning pianist Paul Sullivan, Tony-winning Jersey Boys star Joseph Leo Bwarie, Bernstein Award-winning violinist Charles Yang, folk legend Livingston Taylor, Boston native son Ryan Montbleau, and Rock-n-Roll Hall of Famer Steve Miller. Helping to lead the event are past gala hosts, Emmy-winner Joyce Kulhawik, and Peabody-winner Robin Young.
Although The Umbrella's newly renovated art galleries at 40 Stow Street remain closed for now, the event also includes a re-imagined Stand by Me Auction (May 19-29), in which the public can bid for distinctive and diverse "experiential" prizes from The Umbrella's programs - Arts Education, Arts & Environment, Studio Arts, Arts Gallery and Performing Arts - that can be enjoyed through both remote access or, in time, at the Center. Auction items range from walk-on parts in productions by The Umbrella Stage Company to unique special access classes, equipment, studio time, and one-on-one artist experiences.
Through the event, The Umbrella is also promoting patronage of regional shops and restaurants. Stand by Me participants are encouraged to order takeout dinners from special menus by establishments including 80 Thoreau, Adelita, Fiorella's, Trail's End, Farfalle, The Cheese Shop, and Real in Lincoln. The evening even has a themed cocktail, "The Umbrellini," for which DIY ingredients are available for pickup at partner West Concord Wine & Spirits.
The Umbrella wants to provide an opportunity for the whole community to participate in the event and will therefore provide free live-stream access through The Umbrella's website. Sponsorships and tax-deductible "single tickets" are also available, providing critical support to the organization, and feature a range of benefits including a special pre-event "virtual cocktail reception".
"This was to be an important year for arts, culture and community at The Umbrella and all of Concord," says Executive Director Jerry Wedge. "As with so many other organizations in this challenging time, robust programs have been lost. For us, 2020 was to celebrate our extraordinary new space and grow our programs. While we re-envision our work to offer online access, we want to bring our community together, in whatever way possible. I'm thrilled our gala Committee created a plan for a virtual gathering that could be shared with everyone."
Online auction, talent, and schedule info at TheUmbrellaArts.org/StandByMe.