Brindsley Miller, a young sculptor, and his debutante fiancée Carol Melkett have borrowed some expensive, antique furniture from his neighbor Harold's flat without his permission in order to impress an elderly millionaire art collector coming to view Brindsley's work, and Carol's father Colonel Melkett. When the power fails, Harold returns early, and Brindsley's ex-mistress Clea shows up unexpectedly, things slide into disaster for him.
BLACK COMEDY will star Brooks Reeves (Gross Indecency and Closer, Bad Habit Productions) and Louise Hamill (Trog and Clay: An Imagined History of the Electric Chair, Fresh Ink Theatre). Both actors have been praised for their magnetic personalities and impeccable comic timing, and we're so proud to have them lead our show!
BLACK COMEDY will also feature 6 other very well-known names from the Boston Fringe community: Mike Budwey (Cyrano de Bergerac, Apollinaire Theatre), Mikey DiLoreto (Polaroid Stories, Heart & Dagger Productions), Tim Fairley (The Revenants, Happy Medium Theatre), Alyssa Osiecki (Neighborhood 3: Requisition of Doom, Happy Medium Theatre), Audrey Lynn Sylvia (On This Moon, Flat Earth Theatre), and Michael Underhill (DOG SEES GOD: Confessions of a Teenage Blockhead, Happy Medium Theatre).DATES OF PRODUCTION:
Fri. June 14 (8 p.m.) (PRESS NIGHT)
Sat. June 15 (8 p.m.) (PRESS NIGHT 2)
Sun. June 16 (3 p.m.)
Th. June 20* (8 p.m.)
Fri. June 21 (8 p.m.)
Sat. June 22 (8 p.m.)