German Stage presents this hilarious comedy about a globalizing world, The Golden Dragon, featuring Nael Nacer, Patrick Shea, Paula Plum, Phil Tayler and Tiffany Chen, directed by Guy Ben-Aharon. There will be a Q&A following the performance as well as a reception
Five actors play seventeen characters (including a cricket) in this absurdist dark comedy that takes place in and around The Golden Dragon, a hole-in-the-wall Asian take-out that is an allegory for immigration
German Stage is an initiative supported by the Goethe-Institut Boston to explore narrative in German culture and society through theater. German Stage began its Premiere Season with Voltaire and Frederick: A Life in Letters, a Boston Globe Critics' Pick featuRing Thomas Derrah and John Kuntz, and presented up-and-down the East Coast from Atlanta to Toronto, Walser's A Little Calm Before the Storm, a Boston Globe Critics' Pick featuring Jeremiah Kissel, Johnny Lee Davenport and Ted Hewlett, Sternburg's Now the Jerk is Somewhere Else Again featuring Nael Nacer among others, Walser's I Love Apples Too featuring Bobbie Steinbach, Karen MacDonald, MariAnna Bassham and Nael Nacer and a tour of Salzmann's Mameloschn (Boston to Atlanta), featuring Bobbie Steinbach, Maureen Keiller and Rebecca Schneebaum.