Boston Public Works Theater Company will present the world premiere of Unsafe, a psychological thriller, written and directed by Jim Dalglish. The play will be co-produced by Boston Public Works and Cotuit Center for the Arts on Cape Cod. It opens March 31 at CCftA and runs through April 10, before the production moves to the Plaza Theater at the Boston Center for the Arts, where it runs April 15-30.
Unsafe tells the story of a New York family trying to pick up the pieces of their lives following 9/11. It takes place in Manhattan in 2003 as a mid-winter blizzard blankets the city under three feet of snow. A troubled young man with nowhere to go crashes his widowed stepmother's 40th birthday party. His arrival triggers a flurry of memories-fond, painful, and frightening-and unwittingly exposes his family to the danger that haunts him on the abandoned, snow-covered streets below. A semifinalist at the National Playwrights Conference at the Eugene O'Neill Theater Center, Unsafe, says Dalglish, "is a drama about one family's refusal to wake up to the frightening realities of a post-9/11 world. It's a play about the flimsy barricades we all build and the fantasies we fabricate to keep this terrifying new world at bay-a world that through our arrogance, neglect, and self-deception, we helped create."Videos