The Blue Spruce Theatre will be holding an evening of entertainment at the Burren Pub and Restaurant on April 15, 5PM-8PM, in Somerville, Massachusetts.
The evening will commence with a concert filled with showtunes and segue into an open mic where the audience is part of the show. The audience members are instructured to dress in their favorite fomral and/or wacky wear and to bring along their sheet music. Members are asked to remember the theme of the night when choosing selections: Reflections on Love.
Performances include the talents of:
David CarneyAudience members thinking of singing in the open mic portion of the evening are asked to sign up at
The performance is free, but donations will be accepted at the door and will go to the Blue Spruce Theatre.
The Burren Pub and Restaurant
247 Elm St.
Somerville, MA 02144