Apollinaire Theatre has made the following announcement:
Apollinaire Theatre has announced Apollinaire at Home, a free virtual play & film script reading gathering!
In response to the need for employment for our artists, and the need for enjoyment for just about everyone,
Apollinaire is hosting a play & film script reading series open to all. Readings are hosted by Apollinaire favorites, and the cast includes all those who'd like to join in. It's not a performance, rather a fun social read of some favorite plays and scripts and a chance to read some potential future favorites. We're starting this week with some classics that are readily available online, and working on also getting permission to read some adventurous contemporary scripts.
Readings begin tonight!, and will be held in an online video conference space on:
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings at 7:30, and we'll have a Sunday matinee at 3:00.
We'll post the schedule for each week at the beginning of the week at: www.apollinairetheatre.com.
Details on how to join up are at: www.apollinairetheatre.com