Anserine Productions is proud to present its very first production of Don't Know Nobody That Bo ogies Anymore, by Andy Gaus, directed by Jackie Davis. The show opens Wednesday September 7, with a lowprice preview on Tuesday, September 6. It will run Wednesday through Sunday at 8 p.m. from September 7, 2016 through September 25, 2016 at the Black Box at the Arsenal Center For the Arts, 321 Arsenal St, Watertown, MA 02472.
Set in the '70s, it concerns a young man torn between his highschool sweetheart and a charismatic new drinking buddy who promises to prolong his partying days. A cast of five singing actors and a score of 19 melodious songs promises a musical evening to remember. The composer has promised to reimburse any patron who finds that the tunes aren't catchy.
Tickets: $20-$30. For tickets visit