The show happens Saturday, October 24th at 8pm and is located at The Creative Space in Garden City.
Local comedy company, Recycled Minds, invites the valley to an all-ages, comedy show October 24, 2020 at The Creative Space in Garden City.
Looking for a fun, unique experience to share with your family or with your friends this Saturday night? Experience those you-had-to-be-there moments with Recycled Minds' comedy show Saturday, October 23, 2020 at 8pm at The Creative Space in Garden City. Just like "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" on TV, Recycled Minds will create improvised ghost stories based on your suggestions and then bring them to life on stage featuring Sean Hancock, Steve Halvorson and Jon Buffington.
Tickets cost $12 online and $5 for kids 5 to 12yrs. A selection of refreshments will be available for purchase. Time and ticket details available at