The new address is 515 South 9th Street, Boise, ID 83702.
Opera Idaho's office were closed Monday, February 15 through Wednesday, February 17. During this time, the company was moving into its new offices.
The new address is 515 South 9th Street, Boise, ID 83702.
The Esther Simplot Performing Arts Academy (ESPAA) has announced the expansion of its downtown campus in the heart of Boise's Cultural District through the acquisition and renovation of the building located at 515 South 9th Street. The acquired building was constructed in 1950 and has served many needs in the community over its long life. It will now continue to support our growing community in a new and exciting way. The building renovation is expected to be complete in February 2021.
ESPAA was founded in 1992 by Esther Simplot with the support of her husband J. R. (Jack) Simplot and the Boise community to provide a permanent home for the Boise Philharmonic, Ballet Idaho and Opera Idaho. Since the acquisition and renovation of the original building which housed all three organizations at 516 S. 9th Street, ESPAA has continued to grow with the organizations it supports. A second facility was purchased and renovated in 1996 at 501 S. 8th Street to support Ballet Idaho's growing need for dance studios for its professional company and student dance academy. In 2007, a third building was purchased and renovated at 513 S. 8th Street to provide rehearsal space for Opera Idaho's expanded programming.
The newest addition to the campus includes a large rehearsal hall and office space which will further enable Opera Idaho's artistic expansion in the Boise community. "To have a dedicated rehearsal space in the same building as our offices will bring cohesion to our rehearsal process" said Mark Junkert, General Director, Opera Idaho. "To hear music more often, even if in the background, will be a big plus for our staff. Further, the expansion of the campus shows the wonderful commitment of ESPAA to all the organizations under its umbrella. I don't know of another campus for the arts quite like ours in the entire U.S."
"The arts bring beauty to our lives, something we all need, now maybe more than ever" said Mrs. Simplot. "ESPAA's success in supporting the arts in our community has surpassed my fondest dreams. The addition of this new space ensures that Opera Idaho, Boise Philharmonic and Ballet Idaho can continue to grow and thrive well into the future. I am pleased to have been a part of their success. Thank you to EKC Construction and erstad ARCHITECTS for their unwavering support of this project during this difficult time."
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