This fast moving, hilarious comedy, deals with two earnest young men struggling to put out a "protest" magazine, and the all-American girl who moves in next door and manages to send both of them into a romantic tail spin. Love and politics blend delightfully in a bubbling series of funny happenings, set forth with the masterly skill and inventiveness that are the hallmarks of Neil Simon.
A comedy by Neil Simon. Directed by Shelby Deaton. Appropriate for all audiences. The bar is open before all performances and at intermissions.
Tickets: Run Dates: 7/7, 7/8, 7/13, 7/14, 7/15, 7/16, 7/20, 7/21 and 7/22 Ticket Prices: $15.00. Eventbrite sales close two hours prior to each performance. Tickets may be available to purchase at the box office after this time.Videos