Knock 'Em Dead Dinner Theatre will present Not Now, Darling, May 11 - June 9, 2012. This hilarious farce set box-office records in Paris, London and New York. This is the tale of two unlikely partners in a fur salon, Bodley the philanderer and Crouch the guileless innocent. The action of the play involves girlfriends, suspicious husbands and wives, intrigue, scantily clad girls clapped hurriedly into closets, the usual mistaken identities and non-stop laughter. It all becomes part of the hilarious doings, as everything somehow manages to work out as it should.
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Knock 'em Dead Dinner Theater is a unique combination of fine arts and excellent cuisine --- all in one location. That's just part of the experience when you enter Knock 'em Dead Dinner Theatre.
Knock 'em Dead (KED) offers a unique theater experience with shows ranging from musical comedy to avant-garde drama with an aim to bringing to Boise some of the not-so-familiar shows that have proven so popular on the American and European stages.