DreamWeaver Theatrical production will be on stage with Yes, Virginia the Musical December 16th and 17th at Jewett Auditorium on the campus of College of Idaho.
With shows at 7pm both days and a matinee at 2 pm December 17th, tickets are $12 for adults; $7 for students and seniors; and $5 for children ages 3 thru 5. DreamWeaver is presenting Yes, Virginia as campaign to raise awareness and funds for the Make-a-Wish Foundation of Southern Idaho, an organization that grants the wishes of children in the Treasure Valley living with life threatening medical conditions.
Eight-year-old Virginia O'Hanlon has always loved Christmas. Until the day her classmates bring up the age-old question: "Is there a Santa Claus?" On a mission to find the truth, Virginia walks into the streets of New York City to find out for herself. Along the way she encounters some colorful characters: a scraggly Santa ringing a bell and an excitable librarian with a shelf full of Christmas books.
Having found no answers, Virginia writes to The New York Sun newspaper. Her letter makes its way to the desk of grumpy editor Frank Church, who is far too busy and upset with the world respond to a little girl's questions. But through Virginia's determination and help from Scraggly Santa, Mr. Church is persuaded to write his answer - an answer that becomes the most famous newspaper editorial of all time.